

29 November 2009

Nova DSLR concept reminds us that cameras need not be boring

Despite the distant memory that is film for most people, most DSLRs have plenty in common with their film-based ancestors, at least when it comes to form factor. Not this Nova DSLR concept. Conceived by Erin Fong, the idea is to allow for all sorts of hand holds thanks to the dual movable arms, and the controls at the fingertips seems surprisingly convenient. We're sure there are all sorts of technical limitations holding something like this back, but after suffering severe kitted-out DSLR fatigue on multiple occasions, we could really get into something that makes a bit better use of how we regularly hold our non-imaging devices. Now if someone would just clean that lens already!

28 November 2009

LG IQ (Monaco) demoed on video, coming to Telus 'this holiday season'

Clocking in at 1:48, this glimpse at LG's IQ (a.k.a. Monaco) is indeed very brief and not much is said. It's got a fingerprint sensor lock, S-class UI (which we knew), and that backing is definitely Windows Mobile 6.5, but for everything else we'll have to refer to the previous specs we've seen leaked. As noted twice by the voice behind the on-screen hand, it's coming "this holiday season" and will be exclusive to Telus, so all the fine print should be revealed soon. Video after the break.

26 November 2009

Tokyo robosuit could make you the sack lifting champion

In Japan, the ultimate merit of a robotic suit is measured in sacks of rice. We've seen it before with the HAL-5. The latest suit created by students at Tokyo's University of Science provides enough assistance to the wearer's back to lift an additional 15 to 20 kilograms (that's 33 to 44 pounds) -- in other words, another two bags of rice for five in total. The university's previous robosuit was heavier and more bulky by comparison, in that it provided assistance to both the wearers back and arms (though clearly some support is provided based on the image above). The suit will ultimately benefit factory workers or those with physical limitations when it goes into production sometime in 2010. Outstanding. Surprisingly, nobody from the university seems willing to talk about that kid with sawblade arms in the corner.

Gigabyte Booktop M1022 : Dwitunggal Netbook-Desktop

Setelah pertama kali diperkenalkan pada pameran teknologi terbesar di Eropa, (CeBIT) 2009, Gigabyte secara resmi merilis netbook yang disebut Booktop M1022. Oops, menyebut netbook mungkin tidak tepat karena Gigabyte merancang perangkat ini agar bisa berfungsi sebagai netbook sekaligus PC desktop. Itulah mengapa produk ini dinamakan Booktop, yaitu gabungan dari kata notebook dan desktop.
Konsep dasarnya seperti ini. Dalam kondisi standar, Booktop M1022 adalah sebuah netbook biasa. Namun Gigabyte juga menyertakan sebuah docking berisi port VGA, Ethernet, dan USB. Jika Booktop M1022 diletakkan di docking, lalu docking tersebut dihubungkan dengan monitor, keyboard, serta mouse, perangkat ini pun berubah fungsi menjadi PC desktop.
Proses pemasangan docking station sendiri tergolong mudah. Anda hanya perlu menempelkan netbook ke docking dalam keadaan tertutup dan posisi tegak. Di docking tersebut telah tersedia tombol power sendiri, jadi proses menyalakan dan mematikan netbook bisa dilakukan melalui docking.
Port penghubung antara netbook dan docking berada di sisi kiri, sehingga Gigabyte pun sengaja menempatkan sebagian besar port di sebelah kanan. Yang ada di sebelah kiri cuma VGA-Out, namun ini bukan masalah karena ketika terpasang di docking, kita bisa memanfaatkan VGA-Out di docking. Sedangkan di sisi kiri tersedia 3 port USB, Ethernet, dan Express Card. Port audio ditempatkan di sisi depan, sehingga lebih mudah diakses.
Kami juga menyukai touchpad­ netbook ini yang mendukung multi-touch. Maksudnya, Anda bisa melakukan melakukan kombinasi gerakan beberapa jari untuk melakukan tugas tertentu. Contoh, ketika menggeser touchpad dengan dua jari, layar akan tergulung (scroll) ke bawah. Jika mengetuk touchpad dengan tiga jari, sama saja dengan melakukan klik kanan. Semua gesture tersebut berfungsi dengan sempurna, sehingga terasa sangat membantu kami melakukan aktivitas.
Dari segi spesifikasi, Gigabyte sudah membenamkan Intel Atom N280 1,66 GHz dengan RAM DDR2-800 1 GB dan harddisk SATA berkapasitas 160GB. Kombinasi ini menghasilkan performa yang bagus seperti bisa Anda lihat di hasil pengujian. Sebagai sistem operasi, perangkat dengan bobot 1,37 kg ini menggunakan Windows XP Home Edition yang dibantu beberapa aplikasi menarik seperti Norton Internet Security 2009.
Sebagaimana netbook umumnya, pada seri ini Gigabyte menggunakan layar dengan resolusi sebesar 1024x600 pixel. Sementara dari sisi fasilitas, netbook ini terbilang komplit. Selain menyediakan koneksi nirkabel Wi-Fi dan Bluetooth, Gigabyte M1022 juga dilengkapi dengan modem HSDPA internal Huawei 3G yang sudah terpasang di balik baterai.
Konsep yang ditawarkan Gigabyte M1022 cukup menarik. Daripada membeli netbook dan PC desktop secara terpisah, mengapa tidak menggunakan produk yang bisa berfungsi seperti keduanya. Terbayang pula kepraktisannya: Anda bisa memasang netbook di docking ketika di rumah lalu tinggal menentengnya saat bepergian dengan seluruh data penting ada di dalamnya. Namun dengan harga US$ 570, harga perangkat ini tidaklah murah. Apalagi Anda masih harus keluar biaya untuk monitor, keyboard, dan mouse untuk mewujdukan konsep tersebut; itu pun dengan catatan Anda hanya akan mendapatkan PC desktop dengan performa sekelas Intel Atom satu inti. Jadi Gigabyte Booktop M1022 lebih cocok untuk mereka yang menginginkan produk hibrida yang praktis digunakan. (Alvino Octaviano – Kontributor)

hasil Pengujian:klik disini

25 November 2009

Razer Imperator gaming mouse ships with adjustable side buttons, disdain for southpaws

Tired of getting shafted, lefties? Never gets old, does it? At any rate, Razer is momentarily stepping away from its ambidextrous ways in order to craft a mouse that fits especially well in the hands of righties. The new Imperator gaming mouse houses the same 3.5G laser sensor that has become common on the outfit's critters of late, but this one includes a smattering of "adjustable side buttons" that can actually slide and lock into place wherever you find them most comfortable. It's up for order now for $79.99 (or €69.99 for those across the pond), and if the gallery below doesn't get you close enough, a demonstration vid is just past the break.

24 November 2009

Core i7 iMacs showing up DOA -- including ours

Apple's new Core i7-based iMac might be a performance monster, but it looks like the whole family's having some problems getting out of the gate: in addition to the previously-noted performance issues with the Core 2 Duo models, a quick glance across Apple's support forums and on other Mac boards around the web reveals that some machines are showing up DOA and / or with cracked screens. We're a little more familiar with the DOA issue, since the new i7 we just bought doesn't boot at all, but the cracked screen issue seems to be equally common and mostly affecting the bottom left corner, from what we can tell. Now, our review Core 2 Duo 27-inch iMac is perfectly fine, and Chris Ziegler's new Core i7 machine doesn't have any problems either, so these obviously aren't universal issues, but if you're about to stick one of these under the tree for someone it might be wise to do some surreptitious testing first.

21 November 2009

Netbook Smart Olive X107, Online Makin praktis

Tuntutan Online saat ini adalah kebutuhan bagia banyak kalangan. Bagi mereka yang memiliki mobilitas tinggi, peralatan yang mampu dipakai untuk online kapan dan dimana saja adalah sesuatu yang wajib dimiliki. Memamng beberapa gadget menawarkan kemudahan online dengan praktis seperti smartphone atau Ultra Mobile PC. Tapi bagi mereka yg butuh mengerjakan aplikasi kantoran dan tidak terbiasa dengan smartphone atau UMPC bisa menggunakan Netbook.

Tentunya cukup berbahaya jika anda online untuk kepentingan bisnis menggunakan Wifi gratisan. Siapa tahu si pemilik Wifi telah memasang kode-kode yang dapat mengintai akun-akun penting anda. Untuk itulah, sebuah koneksi internet dari modem saya rasa lebih aman untuk bekerja bagi mereka yang memang aktif online.

Modem masih memiliki satu kelemahan. Bagaimana jika modem tersebut tertinggal?? Bisa berakhir harapan anda terkoneksi jika sampai hal ini terjadi.

Seolah mengerti dengan kebutuhan pelanggan seperti ini, Smart telecom menyediakan sebuah paket bundling yang luar biasa hebat. Paket bundling yang saya maksud adalah paket gabungan antara Netbook Olive X107 dan Smart EVDO (paket platinum) selama 30 hari.

Netbook sudah ditanami modem dengan kemampuan koneksi maksimal adalah EVDO yang memiliki kecepatan sampai dengan 3,1 MBps. Untuk melihat jangkauan sinyal EVDO silahkan anda lihat disini.

Spesifikasi: klik disini

20 November 2009

Asus U20A: Light Up the Night

Salah satu yang langsung menyita perhatian pada notebook berprosesor Intel SU2700 1,3GHz ini adalah adanya dua tombol power di atas panel keyboard. Tombol power kiri adalah tombol shortcut untuk menghidupkan notebook tanpa masuk ke sistem operasi atau mengakses harddisk. Penekanannya akan mengaktifkan moda Express Gate khas Asus, yang berguna jika kita ingin cepat menyalakan komputer tanpa perlu apa pun dari harddisk.

Delapan detik setelah tombol power kiri ditekan, kita bisa mendengarkan musik atau menonton film dari CD/DVD atau USB flash disk, melihat foto di kamera digital atau USB flash disk, menelepon via Skype, dan ngobrol (chat) dengan instant messaging, termasuk main game online melalui koneksi nirkabel (Wi-Fi). Yang tidak bisa dilakukan hanyalah mengakses harddisk..

Untuk keluar dari moda ExpressGate, matikan komputer melalui tombol power Off yang muncul di sudut kanan bawah layar. Atau pilih untuk masuk ke OS, yang akan mengaktifkan notebook seperti jika kita menekan tombol power sebelah kanan. Pada kondisi normal ini, kita bisa mengakses apa pun yang ada di harddisk. Butuh waktu 1 menit 32 detik sebelum notebook yang bersistem operasi Windows Vista Ultimate ini bisa dipakai.

Yang juga menarik U20A adalah sensor cahaya. Bukan cuma di layar LED, tetapi juga di seluruh keyboard dan juga touchpad. Tampilan di layar LED backlit tampak terang, tajam, jernih, dan presisi. Di tingkat 50 persen pun, tampilan sudah tampak sangat terang. Tingkat terang LCD bisa diatur sendiri, atau dari sensor yang akan menyesuaikannya dengan tingkat terang ruangan tempat notebook berada.

Untuk menyalakan sensor cahaya, tekan Fn-A. Tingkat terang bisa dikontrol dengan menekan Fn-F3/F4/F5. Alhasil, notebook ini benar-benar bisa dipakai dengan sempurna di kegelapan total, termasuk di dalam pesawat terbang. Tombol-tombol keyboard pun cukup nyaman dipakai. Tidak perlu terlalu keras mengetuk setiap tombolnya.


Notebook Asus U20A praktis untuk dipakai di mana saja, termasuk di kegelapan maupun saat kita sedang terburu-buru ingin ber-Internet atau sekadar menikmati musik MP3. Fiturnya lengkap: 3 port USB, port LAN, slot ExpressCard, DVD-RW drive, port VGA, port HDMI dan 8-in-1 card reader, plus jack mikropon dan headphone, juga lubang security lock, serta koneksi nirkabel Wi-Fi dan Bluetooth. Begitu juga bundel software-nya yang menyenangkan.

Sayang menurut kami speaker Altec Lansing yang ditempatkan di bagian depan kurang jernih dan kurang mantap bass-nya. Selain itu setelah dipakai sekitar 1 jam, bagian bawah unit terasa cukup panas, sehingga disarankan untuk selalu menggunakan alas atau meja portabel saat memangkunya. Daya batere nyaris sama dengan waktu pengisian ulangnya, yakni di kisaran 2 jam 16 menit.

Satu catatan, spesifikasi unit uji kami agak berbeda dengan unit yang beredar di pasaran Yang beredar di pasar dilengkapi dengan prosesor Intel Core 2 Solo ULV Su3500 1,4GHz, RAM DDR2 4GB, harddisk 500GB, Webcam 1,3MP dengan batere 6-cell yang diklaim tahan bekerja 8 jam, serta tambahan bonus berupa tas dan mouse optik. Namun keduanya sama-sama dijual tanpa sistem operasi. (Wiwiek Juwono)

Hasilo uji:Klik disini

Alltronix ALX1001-MARS : Dingin, Berlapis Chrome

Nama Alltronix mungkin lebih akrab dikenal sebagai produsen aksesoris PC. Namun seiring berkembangnya perangkat mobile, Alltronix pun merilis netbook dengan nama ALX1001-MARS. Seperti pendatang baru lain, Alltronix mencoba memikat pengguna dengan harga yang kompetitif. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, netbook ini dibandrol di angka Rp. 3 juta pas, menjadikannya salah satu netbook paling murah saat ini.
Padahal secara spesifikasi, netbook ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan netbook lain. Prosesornya menggunakan Intel Atom N270, memori DDR2-1GB, serta harddisk 160GB.
Fasilitasnya pun memenuhi standar, seperti WiFi, Ethernet, webcam, dan slot kartu memori tanpa sistem operasi. Kalaupun ada yang kurang adalah kapasitas baterainya yang cuma 2200 mAh, membuat netbook ini memiliki nafas yang pendek. Saat kami uji, netbook ini cuma bisa bertahan 1,5 jam saat memainkan film HD. Namun untuk pengujian yang memeras kinerja komponen, netbook ini tampil cukup bagus (lihat tabel).
Namun harganya yang begitu kompetitif itu memang menyimpan beberapa kekurangan, salah satunya di sisi fisik. Tampil dengan balutan warna putih, casing netbook ini terlihat kurang istimewa. Kami juga dapati fabrikasi yang kurang rapi, terlihat dari colokan daya yang keras saat dimasukkan dan beberapa tombol keyboard yang sedikit miring.
Bicara keyboard, netbook ini memiliki 83 tombol keyboard termasuk tombol navigasi Home dan End. Ukuran tombol utama sekitar 15x15 mm, sementara tombol Function 13x4 mm. Meski jarang menggunakan tombol Function, kami dapati ukuran tersebut sangat mungil sehingga mungkin menyulitkan para pecinta shortcut. Kami sendiri berhasil membiasakan diri dengan keyboard netbook ini setelah mencoba beberapa lama, meski sedikit terganggu dengan suara keyboard yang terdengar berisik.
Layar LCD berukuran 10,2 inci Alltronix ALX1001-MARS ini cukup bagus. Ketika kami coba memutar video berformat HD, warna-warni yang ditampilkan cukup akurat. Brightness netbook berbobot 1,24 kg ini juga cukup tinggi sehingga bisa menampilkan gambar dengan cerah. Yang menarik adalah kita bisa menurunkan kadar brightness sampai level terendah sehingga tidak ada gambar lagi di layar. Ini akan menjadi feature bagus jika Anda ingin menghemat baterai tanpa harus mematikan netbook.
Anda memang harus sering-sering menghemat baterai karena Alltronix ALX1001-Mars ini memiliki kapasitas baterai yang kecil. Ini membuat nafasnya terbilang pendek dalam mode baterai sehingga menyulitkan jika harus jauh-jauh dari sumber listrik. Kami juga mencatat beberapa kekurangan di faktor fisik yang mengurangi kenyamanan penggunaannya. Namun dengan harga cuma Rp. 3 juta, netbook ini adalah pilihan yang tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata. Setidaknya, inilah netbook yang tepat jika Anda memang terbentur faktor harga. (Alvino Octaviano – Kontributor)

Hasil uji: klik disini

19 November 2009

Lenovo's ThinkPad X100e gets detailed: AMD Neo-based, not a netbook

We've already gotten a few brief, mysterious glimpses of Lenovo's thin-and-light ThinkPad X100e (sometimes known as the X200e), but it looks like things are now starting to get a bit more real. Contrary to previous speculation, this one's not, it seems, a ThinkPad netbook, but an "entry ultraportable," which apparently means that it is small, thin and light just like a netbook, and has a "netbook-like price point" -- it's just... not a netbook. Less nebulous are the device's specs, which include an 11.6-inch, 1366 x 768 display, an AMD Athlon Neo processor, support for up to 4GB of RAM, up to a 320GB hard drive, optional 3G and GPS and, of particular note to some particular folks, a distinctly ThinkPad keyboard, trackpad and trackpoint. Still no indication of a release date just yet, but it looks like you will at least be able to get this one in your choice of black, red or white, despite its distinctly business-minded nature.

18 November 2009

Amazon offers $50 PSN card with PSP Go purchases, for tonight only

Hey impulse buyers, want a PSP Go? Amazon is offering a $50 PSN card for anyone who picks up the portable tonight, in black or white. Seeing as you'll be having to spend that much on digital titles anyway, it's a pretty good long-term $50 discount, bringing the suggested value of the Go to about $195. It's still not as financially sound an option as a PSP-3000, but if you value style over price figures and disc-based media, this might be one of the best incentives before Christmas. Offer ends at midnight PT / 3:00AM ET -- after that, it turns right back into a pumpkin

17 November 2009

Samsung's Ubicell CDMA base station going 3G in 2010

We're all for upping our cell service in-home, so a few cheers to Samsung for upgrading its Ubicell personal CDMA base station to 3G. Joining the femtocell party in 2010, all we know beyond its primary directive is built-in GPS for more accurate E911 calls. Mum's the word on price, carriers, or any more definitive launch date. The last Ubicell (pictured) was launched with Verizon, so nah, we wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this one here followed in its ancestor's footsteps.

16 November 2009

Cray Jaguar leaps past IBM Roadrunner as world's fastest supercomputer and pun generator (video)

Cray has finally clawed IBM back from the lead position on the Top500 Supercomputer chip-measuring contest. After just missing out on the title to IBM's Roadrunner last year, Cray's XT5 supercomputer (aka, Jaguar) at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee received an update from quad- to six-core Opteron processors to boast a 2.3 petaflop per second performance peak (theoretical) and 1.75 petaflops as measure by the Linpack benchmark; a feat requiring almost a quarter million AMD cores. IBM's Roadrunner, the very first supercomputer to race past the petaflop threshold, managed just 1.042 petaflops by comparison. Remember, one petaflop per second is equivalent to one quadrillion calculations per second. Of course, chip makers put their own spins on the list by noting that 4 of the top 5 systems depend on AMD for performance while Intel can be found powering 402 of the Top500. Video of the AMD processor upgrade procedure can be found after the break

15 November 2009

HP ProBook 4411s: Keseimbangan Sempurna

Antara EliteBook dan Pavilion, kita ketemu ProBook. Demikianlah mungkin langgam yang tepat untuk menggambarkan kelas HP Probook ini. Sekadar mengingatkan, HP EliteBook adalah notebook kelas bisnis yang dirancang dengan fasilitas penunjang produktivitas pebisnis, namun harus ditebus dengan harga tinggi. Sebaliknya, HP Pavilion adalah notebook dengan harga terjangkau meski dengan fasilitas yang standar saja. Nah, HP Probook berada di tengah-tengah itu. Harganya relatif terjangkau, namun dibekali fasilitas sekelas notebook bisnis.
HP Probook 4411s ini misalnya, memiliki harga US$ 899. Ini sudah termasuk prosesor Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 (2 GHz), harddisk 250 GB, kartu grafis mandiri ATI HD4330, dan Windows Vista Home Basic. Masih ada versi yang lebih murah seharga US$ 799, yang berbeda dari sisi warna (hitam glossy/Noir) dan kartu grafis (onboard Intel GMA 4500MHD).
Meski dibandrol dengan harga kompetitif, HP ProBook 4411s tetap memiliki ciri-ciri notebook pebisnis. Contohnya adalah fasilitas 3D DriveGuard untuk melindungi harddisk saat terjatuh atau terguncang. Di sisi software, HP menyediakan File Sanitizer yang menjamin data yang ingin Anda hapus benar-benar hilang tanpa bisa dilacak sama sekali.
Namun fasilitas paling unik dari ProBook sepertinya adalah Quick Look 2. Ketika Anda ingin melihat email atau jadwal kerja, Anda tidak perlu repot-repot masuk ke Windows Vista dan membuka Outlook. Anda hanya perlu masuk ke Quick Look 2 dengan cara menekan tombol di samping tombol Power. Dalam hitungan detik, data-data di dalam Outlook tersebut dapat Anda akses.
Kok bisa? Sebenarnya, Quick Look 2 adalah sistem operasi khusus di luar Windows. Jadi ketika menekan tombol Quick Look 2, sistem akan masuk ke dalam sistem operasi khusus tersebut. Email dan data di dalamnya sendiri sebenarnya adalah potret atau cerminan dari data utama Outlook. Data mana yang ingin Anda “potret” atau tulis ulang tersebut bisa ditentukan di menu konfigurasi yang muncul otomatis saat Anda menjalankan Outlook.
Ketika kami coba, Quick Look 2 tampil sempurna. Untuk masuk ke dalam menu ini, kami cuma butuh waktu sekitar 12 detik. Data email, kontak, dan jadwal kerja dari Outlook tampil lengkap di mode Quick Look 2. Proses penulisan ulang data pun berlangsung cepat dan tidak terasa membebani sistem. Yang mungkin jadi pertanyaan adalah kegunaannya. Data yang ditampilkan Quick Look 2 ini pada dasarnya bisa dilakukan Blackberry dan ponsel cerdas lain. Jadi apakah Anda butuh sebuah notebook untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan perangkat genggam? Silakan Anda jawab sendiri.
Anda mungkin juga punya pendapat sendiri soal penampilan fisik ProBook ini. Namun menurut kami, tampilan HP ProBook ini cukup keren. Warna merah marun (atau bahasa kerennya disebut Merlot) terlihat genit namun tetap berwibawa. Namun berbeda dengan HP EliteBook yang berbahan magnesium-alloy, casing HP ProBook ini terbuat dari plastik.
Meski begitu, kualitas fisik casing tersebut terbilang kokoh. Ketika kami tekan sisi punggung notebook (atau sisi belakang layar), tidak terlihat gelombang atau wrinkle di layar. Ini menunjukkan casing tersebut cukup kuat menahan tekanan dari sisi belakang layar. Satu hal yang perlu dicatat adalah keyboard-nya tahan air berkat adanya lapisan tipis Mylar yang melindunginya. Jadi meski keyboard tersiram, air tidak akan masuk ke interior notebook dan merusak komponen di dalamnya.
Kalaupun terjadi masalah, HP memberikan layanan unik bernama Pick Up & Return Services. Jadi ketika notebook ProBook Anda bermasalah, Anda tinggal telpon pusat layanan HP dan notebook tersebut akan diambil untuk keperluan perbaikan. Jika sudah selesai, notebook tersebut pun diantar kembali ke alamat Anda.
Meski minus pemindai sidik jari, HP ProBook 4411s mampu menunjukkan identitasnya sebagai notebook untuk pebisnis. Performanya bagus, casing lumayan kokoh, dan didukung jaminan purna jual yang memanjakan. Namun yang terpenting adalah notebook ini dibandrol dengan harga yang kompetitif untuk notebook di kelasnya. Jadi jika Anda butuh notebook tangguh dengan harga terjangkau, HP ProBook 4411s bisa jadi pilihan.

Hasil pengujian:klik disini

ITG's xpPhone gets options for larger screen and Windows 7, loses sense of identity

It makes sense to release your mostly-theoretical (so far, anyway) desktop OS-based slider handset with the world's newest and best version of Windows, but it when your slider handset is dubbed "xpPhone" things become a bit more muddled. But that's the word from Pocketables, who's been in touch with ITG and learned that the MID / phone will not only ship with a Windows 7 option, but also be available in 4.3-inch, 4.8-inch and 7-inch screen sizes. There's also rumors of price ranging from $500 to $700, but what we'd really like at this point is a bit of a demo of this thing in action -- especially now that there's a similar ViewSonic-branded device breathing down its neck.

13 November 2009

Motorola's MT710 OPhone for China makes us dream of Droids without keyboards

While it's busy trying to rebuild market share on the backs of Android-powered devices in North America and Europe, Motorola's already got a bustling business in China, so it makes sense that they'd want to contribute some Google juice over there as well. That dovetails nicely with China Mobile's Android-based Open Mobile System -- which runs those so-called OPhones -- and Motorola has yet to bring an OPhone to market, so that's where this little beast appears poised to come into play. The MT710 is said to feature an 854 x 480 display clocking in at 3.7 inches and 3G support (using China Mobile's up-and-coming TD-SCDMA network), but beyond that, little is known; it's said that Motorola will intro a total of seven Android models in China over the next year, though, and this is clearly one of them. Shave three or four millimeters off the Droid's girth with this puppy, and count us in.

12 November 2009

Regen's ReNu solar panel system in the flesh

While great in concept, solar powered gadgets just never seem to be very practical at the end of the day. Regen's tweak on the formula might help a little, by stuffing a battery into the solar panel itself, meaning you don't have to keep your iPod plugged in for a painfully long trickle charge or juggle multiple elements to make it work (there's a USB plug on the side). ReNu also has batteries in its various docking accessories as well, all of which can be charged by the ReNu panel or by AC power. It's not going to turn the emerging market on its head, and at $199 for the ReNu unit by itself it's not cheap either, but it seems like a logical direction for sun-fueled devices -- and looks pretty cool doing it.

More info:klik here

11 November 2009

Google Navigation hacked onto T-Mobile G1

It's always a good sign when a device-specific product release becomes the focal point of the XDA development community: it means you've got a winner on your hands. Not that anyone ever doubted the intense demand for Google's new turn-by-turn Navigation introduced exclusively on Motorola's DROID. No more. Brave souls have now tweaked the original code to run on the original Android device, the HTC G1 running on T-Mobile. Anecdotal reports suggest that it's working great -- a good sign that we'll see a cooked ROM unveiled just as soon as feverish fingers can package the new code

Source:klik here

10 November 2009

Neo Slim 3000 handheld promises game emulation and more

It's not quite as sleek as some homebrew-minded handhelds, or as full-featured as some others, but anything that hearkens back to the days when videos games were measured in bits gets a few points in our book, and this new Neo Slim 3000 looks to have things well covered on that front. While complete details are still a bit light, this one is said to pack a 3.5-inch 320 x 240 display, 2GB of built-in memory, an SD card slot for expansion, a full range of PMP features and, most importantly, support for NES, SNES, Genesis, and Game Boy Advance emulation right out of the box -- with other options presumably also available depending on the device's capabilities. Still no word on a price just yet, but the folks at Neoflash say this one is "coming soon.

Cek Ponsel Dual Slider Terbaru Samsung M3310

Samsung M3310 merupakan handset terbaru dari Samsung, hadir dalam balutan warna hitam atau putih, dengan fitur camera 3.2 megapiksel, Bluetooth 2.1, 3.5mm headset jack, dan fakta bahwa music playback handset dapat bertahan hingga 75 jam. Samsung masih mengandalkan tipe dual slider pada ponsel tipe M3310 ini. Fasilitas lainnya dari ponsel Samsung M3310 termasuk kontrol musik eksternal, speaker stereo, FM radio with RDS, 2.1 inch QVGA display, dan support MicroSD card dan DNSe 1.0.

Samsung M3310 memiliki desain tidak biasa, dapat ditarik ke atas dan ke bawah (dual slider). Jika ingin memutar music, pengguna dapat mengontrol melalui tombol khusus di bawah layar atau menggunakan gerakan fisik. Namun, sayangnya camera ponsel Samsung M3310 tidak dilengkapi autofocus. Sedangkan untuk kapasitas memory internal sebesar 40MB dan dapat ditambah dengan menggunakan memory card microSDHC sebesar 8GB.

Baterai Samsung M3310 memiliki kapasitas 960 mAh, dengan waktu standby selama 330 jam, talktime selama 288 menit. Memiliki dimensi 101 x 48.7 x 15.9 millimeter, handphone Samsung M3310 ini support layar TFT, dengan warna 262.000, berbobot 95.7 gram, dan support hanya 4 GSM band dan transmisi data EDGE. Samsung M3310 ini rencananya akan masuk ke pasar Eropa, walaupun belum diketahui spesifikasi dan harganya lebih lanjut.

09 November 2009

ASUS delivers Eee PC T91MT to, completes world tour

It was only two weeks ago when the ASUS T91MT -- the first-ever Windows 7 convertible netbook -- dropped by Amazon's German site, and now the Eastern wind from Taiwan has finally reached US soil. buyers are offered pretty much the same configuration as their European counterpart: Intel Atom Z520, 8.9-inch multitouch swivel screen, 1GB RAM and Windows 7 Home Premium. While there's only one color option available for now, those who're cool with white will be spoiled with a 32GB SSD -- twice as much as the German version yet $200 cheaper. Any students out there going to pick one of these up for some improved note-taking before Christmas exams?

More info:klik here

08 November 2009

Canon EOS 7D gets high marks all around

Canon's EOS 7D is a pretty grandiose piece of image-recording equipment, whether you're talking about its size, features or price. You're probably aware of the 18 megapixel APS-C sensor and dual DIGIC 4 processors already, but we've all had to be a bit more patient than usual in waiting for the pro reviews to come out. Dpreview doesn't disappoint though, with a thoughtful 31-page tome awaiting the keen reader, and we've also got more digestible video reviews from DPhoto Journal for the less patient among you. If you're after direct comparisons against competing models, such as the Nikon D300s, you'll find those sprinkled in among the reviews as well, with Cameratown throwing in a direct head-to-head with Canon's own 5D Mark II. The 7D was found to produce "virtually no visible noise" all the way up to ISO 1600, and scored further points for its gorgeous 100 percent frame-covering viewfinder and fast 19-point AF. With a weather-sealed, highly ergonomic body design, ridiculously fast processing and a sensor so good that "in most situations the lens, rather than the camera, is likely to be the limiting factor," the only thing reviewers could criticize was the somewhat uncompetitive pricing, but that's likely to soften with time anyway. Read on... if you dare.

More info:klik here

05 November 2009

Olympus E-P2 official, patches over E-P1 problems and jacks up the price

Functionality-wise there's not much to complain about the new Olympus E-P2, and in fact it pretty much exactly addresses all the primary issues with the E-P1. The main physical difference is an accessory port right behind and below the hot-shoe, which allows for plugging in the new VF-2 Electronic View Finder, or alternatively the EMA-1 audio input module. We would've preferred to have both simultaneously, but we'll take what we can get. In movie mode the camera now supports full manual shutter and aperture control, and the new Continuous Autofocus tracking system works both for stills and for video. The E-P2 has a new black paint job, but otherwise seems mostly unchanged, with just a few effects and a new "iEnhance" color adjustment mode rounding out the new features. Olympus will actually sell both of these micro four thirds cameras simultaneously, but here comes the real kicker: the E-P2 will retail in kit for for $1,099, a whopping $300 more than the E-P1 -- less than the comparable GH1, but still more than an entry-level DSLR. That cash gets you either an ED 14-42mm f3.5/5.6 Zuiko Digital Zoom Lens or a 17mm f2.8 Zuiko Digital Zoom Lens, and both versions come with an Electronic View Finder standard. Check out the full PR after the break.

More info:klik here

04 November 2009

Yuk Dicobai, Firefox 3.6 versi Beta

JAKARTA, SELASA – Mozilla baru saja meluncurkan versi beta dari browser Firefox 3.6-nya. Apa yang baru pada aplikasi yang dibangun pada mesin rendering web Gecko 19.2 ini?

Ada sejumlah fitur baru bagi pengguna dan developer, antara lain waktu startup yang lebih singkat. Yang juga menjadi lebih cepat adalah respons keseluruhan dan kinerja JavaScript.

Versi 3.6 ini juga akan memberitahu pengguna tentang plug-in yang sudah usang sehingga pengguna bisa memperbaruinya. Selain itu ada fitur Persona, yang memungkinkan Anda men-skin browser dengan sejumlah desain. Fitur baru lainnya, video native yang open kini bisa menampilkan layar secara penuh dan mendukung frame poster. Dukungan untuk format font WOFF pun tercakupkan.

Nah jika Anda tertarik, silakan uji Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 dengan mengunduhnya di situs Mozilla ( Versi beta (7,7MB) ini tersedia untuk sistem operasi Windows, Mac OS X, dan Linux dalam 53 pilihan bahasa.

Ifo lebih lanjut:klik disini

LG GW620 Eve coming to Rogers, Android deftly avoids AT&T yet again

It looks like Canada's Rogers will be among the first carriers in the world to offer LG's first Android device, the GW620 Eve -- and for North Americans, this is particularly notable since it means there's a version of the device at retail that'll theoretically work on Bell, Telus, and AT&T in addition to Rogers proper. We have no indication that AT&T's about to actually pull the trigger on this thing (or on any Android device for that matter), though, so if you're into the 5 megapixel AF cam, full QWERTY slide, and 7.2Mbps HSDPA capability, we'd recommend putting your unlockin' pants on. For Rogers customers, we're not seeing a release date just yet, but it looks like you'll be paying a downright reasonable CAD $49.99 (about $47) on a three-year deal when it launches.

More info:klik disini

03 November 2009

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 announced, we go hands-on

The first Android device from Sony Ericsson may have undergone an upgrade in the naming department, jumping from X3 all the way to XPERIA X10 (probably to avoid confusion with Nokia's X3 handset), but what lies under the hood is reassuringly in line with what we've been hearing. That is to say, a 1GHz Snapdragon chip from Qualcomm, wide 4-inch capacitive touch display, 8.1 megapixel camera with LED flash, and a thoroughly tricked out Android skin named Rachael. Sony Ericsson stressed to us the symbiotic importance of both the new flagship device and "open OS" UI -- the X10 was presented as the patriarch of a whole new family of handsets, which we can expect to see in the first half of 2010, all sporting the beauty of Rachael and perhaps helping to bridge the gap between featurephones and, well, more advanced featurephones. So don't be shy, come along past the break to see our uncensored first impressions of both, along with hands-on video and pictures.

More info:klik here

02 November 2009

TuneUp Utilities 2010 - English Version

TuneUp Utilities 2010 dapat membuat sistem Operasi Windows anda menjadi lebih cepat, stabil, nyaman dan lebih aman hanya dengan beberapa klik saja. Semua operasi yang dilakukan pada sistem operasi akan benar-benar aman, karena semua perubahan akan dipantau oleh TuneUp Rescue Center dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja

TuneUp Utilities 2010 dapat membantu kita untuk membuat Windows sesuai dengan kebtuhan yang kita inginkan dengan cara yang cepat, simple, mudah, lebih baik dan aman. TuneUp Utilities akan membuat perubahan yang diperlukan dalam registri atau file boot secara otomatis.

TuneUp menempatkan perhatian dengan nilai tinggi pada stabilitas sistem, sehingga Windows tidak akan berhenti berkerja atau menjadi sangat lambat ketika sedang di optimalkan dengan program ini. Dan sebagian besar perubahan yang anda buat dapat dibatalkan dalam TuneUo Rescue Center secara mudah dan aman

TuneUp Utilities akan secara otomatis menjalankan tugas-tugas pemeliharaan yang penting bagi anda, membuat anda mengetahui setiap masalah dan menawarkan solusi yang sederhana. Hal ini menjamin kinerja akan selalu terbaik. Sebuah komputer yang lambat dan berantakan sekarang akan menjadi lebih baik

Info lebih lanjut:klik disini

Is this a next generation ThinkPad, or the cruelest Photoshop ThinkPad fans have ever witnessed?

So, before we get ourselves in a tizzy, we'll caveat that there are some seeming signs of Photoshoppery here, namely the edge around the keyboard and of course the pure insanity of putting chiclet keys and a white skin on a ThinkPad (Cloned In China thinks it might be an outright KIRF). That said, there's something about the laptop that smacks of ultraportability and simplicity which we're not entirely averse to. And for the purists there's still that nipple and the third mouse button to be smug about, which is something for them to think about while the burn down the Engadget HQ in a rage for us even suggesting this could be a good direction. Check out another shot after the break, and shots of another even odder design at the read link..

More info:klik here

01 November 2009

ATI's dual-GPU Radeon HD 5970 pictured in the wilderness

And now... fighting out of the red corner, weighing in with two Evergreen GPUs, and wearing black trunks and red trim, it's the Radeon HD 5970. ATI's latest challenger for the title of undisputed graphics champion has been snared in the wild, and its photo shoot reveals a suitably oversized beast. Measuring in at 13.5 inches and requiring both an eight- and six-pin power connector, the pre-production sample can fit inside only the roomiest and best-powered rigs around. It's named somewhat confusingly, with AMD dropping its X2 nomenclature for dual GPU setups, but it features two HD 5870 chips running in onboard Crossfire on the same PCB, and foreshadows a HD 5950, which will combine a pair of the more affordable HD 5850s. Performance figures available earlier have been pulled, at the behest of AMD, but we've got plenty of eye candy to admire, and there's also no price tag in sight to spoil our daydreaming pleasure.

More info:klik here

Laziness on the move: robot plays Rock Band on the iPhone

Why confine your nerdy sloth to your living room, where large robots mime fake guitar and serve you sloppy mixed drinks? Take that zest for the sedentary life with you on the road by having one of your robot ninjas steal this iPhone Rock Band robot from its ingenious creator, Joe Bowers. The Arduino-based device uses ambient light sensors to detect the falling notes and then taps out the music with some conductive foam attached to some squeaky fake fingers. Joe did a fairly detailed write-up, and even uploaded his code, so there's presumably nothing stopping you from actually doing something with your life and building one of these with all that free time you've saved up by hacking your way through all the console-based guitar games. Video is after the break.

More info:klik here

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